Natural Cures Yeast Infection

  Natural Cures, Yeast Infection - Stop The Agony

At the moment you are sick and tired of the constant itching and burning! Nothing  seems to help. So, now you are looking for Natural Cures Yeast Infection. I know how you feel, I’ve been there.

What are some commonly used natural cures, yeast infection?

1. I think the most well known one is yogurt. The reason why yogurt helps is that it contains live cultures that help to keep the yeast in check.

We all have the Candida fungus in our body. Believe it or not, it actually serves a purpose! The Candida helps with the fight against certain bacteria such as e-coli. It is only when the fungus grows too fast; it is called an overgrowth, that it becomes a problem.

Yogurt is a very good way to prevent this. First of all you have to eat unflavored, unsweetened yogurt at least three times a day to help your body fight the yeast from the inside. Secondly, the yogurt can be applied as a cream and a tampon can be soaked in yogurt and used. This helps your body fight the fungus from the outside.

2. Another natural cure for yeast infection that is often mentioned is apple cider vinegar. This is a doubtful and controversial one for a few reasons.

First it is a fermented product and therefore probably contains some yeast.

Secondly, it is true that Candida grows better in an alkaline environment. So, people reason that a little apple cider vinegar in a meal can help reduce Candida. The flaw in this reasoning is that it can slow down digestion, causing more fermentation which is once again a good breeding ground for yeast.

3. Thirdly, on the acid, alkaline reasoning, some think that a little vinegar added to your bath water may help. There is an element of truth in this as it will provide an acid that will kill off some of the external Candida.

As you can see, Natural Cures, Yeast Infection is not as straight forward as it may seem. This is never the less still the best way to get rid of yeast infections for good.

Now you may be wondering how you must do it. Well, get all the info you can and embark on a holistic natural approach to fighting yeast infection.

I have found a very good e-book that will help you with all the finer details. The name of the e-book is Yeast Infection No More and it was written by Linda Allen. She has been a sufferer herself and spent a lot of time researching the subject.

With Yeast Infection No More you will have all you need to know to get rid of yeast infection for good.

Check out Yeast Infection No More now. Access is instant!

If you feel you still want to read more, you can have a look at my site Natural Cure Yeast Infection.